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Adjust your patient mix and fine-tune your marketing spend by identifying and targeting high-value patients to boost your revenue.  

Targeting high-value patients with effective advertising requires a delicate balance of several elements, much like a well-loved recipe. 

I’ve been watching a popular baking show recently, where amateur bakers compete each week in an elimination-style bake-off. Sometimes their recipes turn out great, but when they don’t follow the recipe right, the end result can get them kicked off the show. In one episode, one of the bakers accidentally put salt instead of sugar in his cake. It didn’t turn out well for the baker—but they did get a great spit-take when one of the judges gave it a taste. 

I’ve been there. Once when I was baking bread, I left out the salt. The bread looked great, the texture was excellent, but as soon as I sunk my teeth into a warm slice topped with melted butter, I realized my mistake. That tiny bit of salt was missing, and the bread was bland. 

Just like creating the perfect loaf of bread, when you get the balance of ingredients right, you can easily attract high-value patients with your targeted ads. And luckily for you, we have the recipe you need: predictive analytics, search terms, audience demographics, and conversion data.  

4 Essential Ingredients to Attract High-Value Patients

Predictive Analytics

predictive analytics helps you find high-value patients

Every time a consumer goes online their data is being collected. Huge data-banks of information inform their experience, impacting the ads they see, guiding their pathways, and giving them a more personalized experience overall. Businesses use the information to identify issues and take steps to retain their customers. The data can also be used to predict behavior and present options—sometimes even before the consumer knows what they want. 

Hospital systems have used these big data sets for years to predict medical consumer behaviors and advertise to at-risk individuals. Historically, that information has been too expensive for medical practices to tap into. That is no longer the case. Medical practices, hospital service lines, and doctors can now access that information, and it’s very cost effective. 

Here’s how it works with SocialClimb. Our predictive analytics tools sift through the big data and filter individuals according to a long list of factors that indicate risk level for specific medical conditions. Factors that would indicate high risk for a knee injury, for example, would include behaviors such as searching for information on knee pain, purchasing products for a knee injury, OTC drug use, prescription drug use, sports participation, financial information, payment history, and much more. 

As you can see from that short list, medical consumers can be identified as at risk for specific medical conditions your doctors want to treat as well as financial information that will match you with your best-fit patients. If you get higher reimbursement from one type of insurance over another, for example, attracting patients with that insurance is better for you and them. Bringing in high-value patients—whether that is based on the type of procedure they need or the type of reimbursement you receive—will increase your profit margins. 

Our systems can let you know zip code areas with high concentrations of these at-risk consumers so you can focus your ads in those areas. Putting your ads in areas with a higher number of potential patients means you’ll get more bang for your buck and fill your schedules more quickly. 

Read “Three Ways to Leverage Predictive Analytics in Healthcare Marketing.” 

Read “Our AI Technology Will Identify and Attract Your Best Patients.”

Search Terms

the right keywords are essential

Once you’ve identified areas with high concentrations of high-risk individuals, you can use our Playbooks to set up your ads. Our Playbooks are set up with the right keywords, negative keywords, ad copy, and ad structure to attract the right patients that best fit your needs. 

Having the right keywords in place helps you meet the needs of medical consumers searching online for care. Effective keywords ensure that the ad you create is well matched with your potential patients to show up for the right patients at the right time in their search. 

The great thing about our Playbooks is that once you select the one that’s right for you, your ads will be automatically configured in the best way possible. We are a Google Ads partner, which means Google has certified that we know what we’re doing with ads. And we’ve set up a system that allows you to succeed without becoming a Google or an SEO expert. 

Audience Demographics

woman with neck painGoogle, Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms are continually gathering demographic information on consumers. They are the experts on who is using their platform and how to reach them—they have to be in order to be successful. 

The data they’ve gathered allows for fine-tuned targeting so you can reach specific consumers most likely to need medical care and click on your ad. The more accurate the demographic data, the more likely they are to click on your ad, and the higher your conversion rates will be. A higher conversion rate means you’re making better use of your marketing spend. 

Conversion Data

Tracked conversion data is the final ingredient in the recipe for attracting high-value patients. It lets you know where your successes come from and how to replicate and improve your process. Understanding the type of person who became a patient after seeing your ads will help you refine your targeting to increase conversions.

Measure Your Results

Using data-based digital marketing in healthcare goes beyond simply attracting high-value patients—the data allows you to measure your success so you can clearly see the value of your marketing efforts. You’ve likely been told that it’s too difficult to measure your healthcare marketing ROI and patient acquisition cost (PAC). After all, how can you know what pushed your patients to make that call to schedule an appointment? 

That used to be the case, but the world is a much different place than it used to be. 

Did you know that over half the population of the world is online? That’s 3.9 billion people. The U.S. ranks third in terms of number of people who have access to the internet with over 313 million active internet users in 2020. That’s over 85% of the people living in the U.S. who have access to the internet, leaving their information to be gathered as they conduct searches, make purchases, and entertain themselves online. 

With all that data floating around, it should not be difficult to capture the relevant data and know your ROI. Our platform uses a Call Tracker to see where each patient started interacting with your practice. Because we integrate with your EHR system, we can connect the dots and show you whether a specific patient found you organically or through your ads. That data makes it easy to calculate the ROI for your marketing efforts down to your patient acquisition cost (PAC). 

Don’t Leave Out the Salt!

Make sure you’re using all the ingredients necessary to create excellent results. Give one of our team members a call today at 866-338-8270 or click on the link below to set up a demo and see how we can help you attract high-value patients with HIPAA-compliant targeted ads and measure the results of your marketing spend in the process.

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