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Join us for this panel discussion with Q&A to discover what you can do to protect your revenue in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Reliable IT logoOn Tuesday, April 21, Reliable IT is hosting a free webinar panel discussion titled “Emergency Survival Guide: Protecting Your Healthcare Practice and Revenue in 2020.” The expert panel includes Ty Allen, SocialClimb president and CEO, Mike McCaslin and Karen Clark, Somerset CPAs, Chris Francis, Panorama Orthopedics IT director, and Matt Fletcher, Illinois Bone & Joint Institute director of systems integration and development. 

Mike McCastlin will set the stage with a State of the Union address regarding the current and future state of healthcare. The panel of experts from across the industry will then discuss the technology they are using to ensure their practices not only survive but thrive during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. A question and answer session will follow the discussion. 

Register NowYou need your game plan in place to mitigate the effects of the current pandemic on your healthcare practice. Your immediate focus, understandably, is on getting through the short-term crisis, but you can take steps now to minimize your loss. To achieve growth, you’ll need to change your approach. And you need to move forward at the right time with a technology-based plan with proven results. 

Come and be a part of the solution on Tuesday, April 21, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., as we discover how to survive our current situation from a business standpoint. 

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