How Hutchinson Regional Medical Center is transforming healthcare marketing with SocialClimb

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Jessica Flax

“As we kept going along, the data just continued obviously to affirm that marketing was making a difference on getting people through the door.”

Jessica Flax

The Roadblocks of Healthcare Marketing

Hutchinson Regional Medical Center is the largest healthcare facility in Reno County offering care to residents of surrounding areas. Like many healthcare marketing professionals, Jessica Flax faced significant challenges connecting with Hutchinson’s target audience and tracking the effectiveness of campaigns as the Director of Marketing and Foundation.

With a background in digital marketing, Jessica knew that access to comprehensive marketing data would allow her to identify and serve potential patients while maintaining a healthy marketing budget. She also knew that marketing data played a crucial role in proving Hutchinson’s growth potential to her leaders. “In marketing, we’re always having to validate a spend,” she relates. In previous roles outside of the healthcare industry, access to analytics hadn’t been a problem for Jessica. However, she now had HIPAA’s compliance policies to consider at Hutchinson, which limited her use of Google Analytics and Meta.


A Collaboration

Jessica needed a comprehensive solution to drive growth for a variety of service lines, launch innovative campaigns, and prove marketing value all while maintaining HIPAA compliance.

During an introduction to SocialClimb, she learned that HIPAA-compliant data is our specialty. Closing the loop between marketing ROI and practice growth became a reality, and Jessica quickly began using the SocialClimb platform to create innovative marketing campaigns.

With access to HIPAA-compliant data, she was able to identify her target audience, share data-backed insights with her leader- ship team, and prove the overall impact of her marketing efforts. “As we kept going along, the data just continued obviously to affirm that marketing was making a differ- ence on getting people through the door.”

Paving a New Marketing Path

Now leveraging SocialClimb’s HIPAA-compliant Predictive Patient Targeting tool, Jessica started by launching a targeted marketing campaign to promote Hutchinson’s primary care service line. This data allowed her to identify potential patients in two different age groups and design postcards customized for each audience. Within just three weeks, Jessica’s campaign generated double her investment, showcasing the power of data-driven targeting. When discussing the campaign’s success, she shared, “It’s fun to be able to take the data that we utilize within SocialClimb and resource it into other marketing materials that connect with other people.”

Digital Marketing in Action

The other SocialClimb tool that Jessica immediately put to use was our reputation management service. Nearly half of Hutchinson’s provider staff had zero Google reviews. “As we all know, that impacts our SEO and people’s opinions,” shares Jessica. “So, SocialClimb’s reputation management service became another tool in the toolbox.”

Within 90 days, she had significantly improved online reputation scores, boosting patient perception and trust.


Although Jessica’s postcard and online reputation efforts were all part of a campaign to support Hutchinson’s primary care unit, she reminds others that marketing success is possible no matter the specialty. “The value is there no matter what you’re trying to grow,” says Jessica.

Driving Healthcare Marketing Innovation

With SocialClimb’s suite of tools at her disposal, Jessica has plenty of grand marketing schemes in the works. At the time of this case study, she is preparing to launch a perception survey. To achieve this, she has once again employed our postcard tool and predictive patient targeting tool to identify key audiences and create custom messaging.

Jessica enjoys the streamlined ability to identify and convert a demographic. “It gives us another way to have a unique touchpoint,” she shares. Through Jessica’s tracking capabilities, this survey will provide invaluable insights into patient perceptions and preferences, informing future marketing strategies. Not to mention she also has the ability to look at each campaign’s return on investment and find out where patients are truly coming from based on her goals.

Jessica’s partnership with SocialClimb has not only empowered her to track marketing performance effectively but has also transformed the way Hutchinson Regional Medical Center approaches healthcare marketing. “I can’t say enough for the ease of use, but also it just flat out works,” she shares. Without common healthcare marketing roadblocks in her way, Jessica is free to efficiently drive service line growth, enhance patient experiences, and create cutting-edge marketing campaigns.

Publish Date: 5/28/2024

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