If you have a solid marketing department or someone in charge of marketing who knows what they are doing, the topic of positive online reviews has come up more than once, as well it should. Companies who enjoy more positive online reviews than their competitors generally see more sales traffic, superior SEO rankings and have overall better brand reputation.
This is great for marketing. But what about the rest of the company? The challenge is that most companies do not get enough online reviews in any given month to draw any meaningful feedback. If they do, the reviews can’t be tied back to specific locations or individuals where implementing change based on the feedback will lead to real improvement.
Imagine your business getting nearly 200 reviews a month all linked to specific locations or individuals. The feedback you will receive from that many reviews will surely provide the organization with enough data trends to make improvements for operations, customer service, sales, and marketing. The icing on the cake is that individual stores or customer service reps also get immediate feedback on how they can do a better job for the customer.
Until now, no other online review software was designed in such a way that customer feedback via online reviews came in such quantities with high quality, that prompted action throughout the entire organization.
Now there is Social Climb. SocialClimb has the best user engagement of any software of its kind, enabling organizations of all sizes to make the best customer focused improvements in real-time. Real-time at the organization level and real-time at the customer facing level.
When this happens radical shifts in culture occur. Employees begin to care as much as the owner and department heads. Goals and scoreboards become tangible and real to everyone. Customer first mindsets permeate throughout the organization. Don’t forget, this is all on top of improved SEO, brand reputation and sales.