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Improvements 8/15/23

With this release, we’ve made updates to tracking organic traffic. This change makes it so that when tracking conversion sources other than calls, such as online appointment scheduling, we can assign a traffic source to any of those conversions. This adds to the value that we provide by enabling us to report on more conversions, and at what rate those conversions turn into appointments and patients.

We’ve added support for Google Recommended Changes as they pertain to Google Business Profiles (GBPs). By notifying customers of these recommended changes, they can now identify which GBPs may benefit from additional updates and optimizations.

As we continue to expand our PRO survey offerings, we’ve made several updates to enhance the functionality for our customers. Support has been added for the HOOS, KOOS, and DASH surveys.

Secondary addresses have been added to contacts used in predictive models. The purpose for this is twofold: it allows us to more accurately remove duplicate members of a household and it increases the rate of the postcards making it to the intended recipient. Overall, these updates help our customers be more effective with their use of postcards and predictive targeting.

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Learn about SocialClimb's New Predictive Patient Targeting with Postcard Deployment