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Release Notes 05/15/2024

It’s important to SocialClimb that we make our customers aware of the improvements and innovations we are continually pursuing to bring value to you and your patients. Ask your customer success rep about any of the following.

Marketing Campaign Tracking

In this release customers can better control how they track appointments that came from campaign marketing efforts. This involved allowing patient review invite rules to be assigned to an integrated connection (like a customer’s PMS/EMR). 

Predictive Audience Targeting

New predictive models are here! Our predictive targeting tool is getting better all the time. Now you can be even more precise in which patients you are targeting. Log in or connect with your customer success rep to check them out. Here’s a short list:

Pain Management – Any Pain Management

Pain Management – Back Pain

Pain Management – Joint Pain

Pain Management – Chronic Pain

Orthopedics – Osteoporosis

Orthopedics – Rotator Cuff Tear

Orthopedics – Shoulder Lesions

Orthopedics – Spinal Deformities

Orthopedics – Spinal Stenosis

Orthopedics – Cervical Disc Disorders

Orthopedics – Intervertebral Disc Disorders

Orthopedics – Trigger Finger

Orthopedics – Hip Bursitis

Orthopedics – Bursitis

You’ll also notice we’ve added a new Pain Management category to this tool to expand how we serve different service line customers.


UX/UI: We have made some updates to the color of charts and other graphical displays throughout the app to standardize them.

Profiles update: We have also removed non-valid Google profiles from the application to avoid confusion.

Survey scoring: We have updated our global scoring methods for HOOS and KOOS surveys to keep up with industry changes.

New API: We’ve added a new Location Group API so Location Group information can be retrieved by any client that needs it.

We’ve only touched on a few major updates here. Contact your representative or log in to the application to learn more.

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